It would be an outrageous abandonment of a democratic friend and partner if the Albanese Government is telling Israel not to defend itself against attacks from Hezbollah.

Hezbollah is a listed terrorist organisation in Australia which repeatedly ignores previous undertakings by indiscriminately firing rockets aiming to kill Israelis and displacing thousands from their homes.

We do not wish to see any spreading of the current war in Gaza but the pressure needs to be on Hezbollah to stop their attacks while maintaining support for Israel’s inherent right to self defence.

The Albanese Government needs to come clean on the status of its support for Israel, which has repeatedly shifted and weakened despite terrorist groups still holding Israeli hostages, and seeking the destruction of Israel.

If this meeting did take place as reported then Anthony Albanese and Penny Wong need to explain why they didn’t front up to tell Israel themselves and why they’re hiding the true extent of their abandonment of Israel from Australians.