FIVEaa – Menindee Lakes

  LEON BYNER:  More than 200 billion litres of precious floodwaters is evaporating upstream in the Menindee Lakes while dying Riverland towns and desperate irrigators battle for water entitlements. Now, the ordinary person … says, how can we do this? Let’s put some sense to this…   …   LEON BYNER:  Now Simon Birmingham, you’re…

Lunchtime Agenda, Sky News Australia – Leader’s 7.30 Report interview, Kevin Rudd’s backflips, workplace relations and Labor’s proposed mining tax

  …   CELINA EDMONDS: Senator Birmingham, you have to admit that we are going to hear that line, ‘phoney Tony’ a lot now? It does seem that ‘straight shooting Tony Abbott’ may have shot himself in the foot on this one.   SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Celina, Tony’s only sin last night was to give a direct…

ABC Radio Australia – National Interest with Peter Mares – Labor’s dodgy how-to-vote cards

PETER MARES:  While Special Minister of State Senator Joe Ludwig hasn’t yet had time to take a serious look at the questionable use of how-to-vote cards in the South Australian election, other politicians at state and federal level have vowed to push for reform. Labor’s deployment of blue T-shirted Family First look-alikes at polling booths in…

AM Agenda, Sky News Australia – Senator Minchin’s future, reshuffle speculation, state election, education spending

  ASLEIGH GILLON:  Joining me here in our Canberra studio this morning is the Liberal Senator Simon Birmingham … Bill Shorten will be with us soon from Melbourne. Simon, before we start talking about reshuffles let’s just take a moment to recognise Nick Minchin’s contribution … of course he was in the Senate for some…